Any thoughts and opinions expressed belong to the respective author based on market conditions at that time, and may not be applicable anymore in the succeeding periods. Most information used are obtained from reliable sources, however, there is no guarantee that they are complete and always accurate.
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Whatever's written here are not, in any way, intended to guarantee future performance and movements in the markets. They are merely for providing an opinion mainly for illustrative purposes only, and should not be taken as financial recommendation or advice.
There are risks associated with trading, including but not limited to the use of leverage, biases, and manipulation. They may be subject to sudden price volatility due to changes in macroeconomic and geopolitical landscapes, as well as overall sentiment. Hence, trading isn't suitable for all. Conducting own research and doing own due diligence are highly advised.
Holy grail in trading and investing that guarantees profits 100% of the time and ensures no losses whatsoever does not exist. Anyone who claims otherwise is a scammer-- be warned.