A Publicity Stunt or a Strategic Mistake?

Very interesting day today-- it's Independence Day here in the Philippines, and the US-NK summit with these two officially pushed through.

Others may haughtily say "I don't trade politics".

But unless you have really deep pockets (as deep as the top bankers and hedge fund managers), do investing or at least position trade for months, and have balls of steel to endure huge draw downs, then by all means ignore what's happening in the world.

But if you're actively trading, you simply can't ignore politics no matter how much you hate it.

And that's the main reason why I avoid entering trades today until this summit ends (probably except for NZD and CAD pairs). I need to wait and see it's mid-to-long term impact. Singapore is just 30 minutes away from here, and that information is probably useless lol. I don't know if it's gonna be as useless as what's being illustrated here:

But seriously though, I don't know how this will go. For the meantime, I found a very inspiring speech by Tony Robbins highlighting the power of hunger.

This article on the other hand illustrates why anyone shouldn't post and humble-brag about his income in actual $$$ anywhere online. As long as you're earning and meeting your personal goals, that's enough. No need to prove yourself to anyone because as they say: "a lion doesn't lose sleep from the opinions of sheep" (in this case, sheeple). This is a good reminder for me also to never reveal the layout of my home (no more streaming) and ALWAYS use a fake address. No more bragging of art, jewelry and other I-can-buy-you-your-friends-and-this-club stuff too, jk lol!

Update: The Trump-Kim summit went... well? The whales weren't impressed though because they're secretly waiting at the sidelines for any signal of WWIII and ever ready to pounce on exploits.

Whatever they say, he's a master negotiator. I may not agree to his personality and even politically, but when it comes to deals and charisma, gotta give credit where credit is due.

Also, may I say, I felt shocked to actually find Kim Jong Un cute. His starstruck expression upon meeting Trump is priceless.

In my imaginary universe, Kim was born and raised in a different country and family, and he, DavidSoComedy and Michael V are doing the funniest gags together.

Featured image by J. Jennings of Unsplash; Kim Jong Un meme by Bored Panda.


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